Google Penguin 2.0 update that was rolled out on 22 May 2013 is the trendiest topic for the discussion among the bloggers and webmasters. Where lot of spammers got affected and lost their ranking in search results, hard workers also got awarded by this update. There is really a big change in search results after Google released this scary penguin update. According to Matt Cutts official blog post about Penguin 2.0 Update, 2.3% of English-US queries are affected after release of this update. From past few days, I getting too many emails of my blog readers that they lost their traffic and ranking in search results. They all ask me same question that how to recover their blog from penguin penalty? I want to let them know that I'm not an expert but as per my knowledge and experience, today I'm going to share some tips that you must try to get recovery from penguin 2.0 penalty.