Friday, 28 December 2012

How to Get Website Traffic From your Facebook Fan Pages

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blog traffic from Facebook fan page

Facebook is the largest growing social networking site on the world. It has 750,000,000 unique

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visitors per month (estimated). So it isblog traffic from Facebook fan page  also the fastest growing site which can give your blog a lot of traffic. In this article I will talk about getting more website traffic from your Facebook page.
Social media marketing is one of the best way for Bloggers to get high quality traffic and Facebook being one of the most popular Social site globally, it’s the first network that you should be targeting.
These days every blog should have a Facebook fan page. This is a great way to promote the blog as well as getting good traffic. I think you know how to make a Facebook fan page. Once you have your Facebook page and getting a healthy community following, you can direct them to your website.

Some excellent ways to get more website traffic from Facebook page

If you already have Facebook page then follow these instruction which will lead you to have a good traffic for your blog. And if you don’t have a page, make one and start the optimization:
Make your info tab more effective
After making a fan page don’t leave the respective fields blank in the about section. Your ‘about’ or information section must be optimized for viewers. The appropriate fields should be filled with keyword rich contents. Find best keywords for your introduction. Add good, sensible and catchy description.
More over, Make sure you grab a custom user name for your Fan page, as it will help you to preserve your brand on Facebook. Before you start using your Fan page for traffic, make sure you make it ready for promotion by filling out all necessary details. If you are a business site, enter all details like Address, City, Zip to ensure visibility in local searches.
Make a custom Landing tab
When somebody visits your Facebook page they come to your wall. Imagine a page having welcome messages with a decorative piece of work! This special Welcome tab can also offer the promotion of your current works. If this kind of welcome tabs or custom tabs are available in the page then surely you will get more visitors which in terms increase your blogs traffic. See this link for making custom page tabs. Pages with custom landing definitely have much more conversations.
Don’t forget to add your blog’s URL in the about section
I already told about filling the respective fields in your page. So in the about section put your url perfectly. A catchy description of your page will definitely lead your fans to click on your blog’s URL.
Make a short video for promotion
Well, videos are great for promoting your page. Making videos for promoting your Facebook fan page is a great and innovative idea. I think it is also a unique way of getting traffic to your blog. You don’t have to spend money for that. Make a video with all the features of your page and upload it in YouTube. Keep the video short and attractive. Briefly describe your page’s effectiveness.
Try to post links in updates
Actually people will find your page’s contents in their news feed. Most of the people are reluctant to pay visit to any particular pages because there are a lot of pages they have already liked. So try to publish stories with compelling headlines along with excerpts and certainly your site’s links. Give good heading to your updates.
I recommend you to keep a good combination of text and images. I have seen images getting more user engagement on Fan pages. I highly recommend you to read about Edgerank and this is one of the best place to get started with Facebook edgerank algo.
Build your network
In Facebook fan pages your major capital is the network. Invite your friends, partners and acquaintances to join your page. Have patience this will give you a good fan following and drag traffic to your blog. But remember, don’t be pushy! Don’t spam and always try to add people who have interests similar to yours.
Be active and keep your page running
Keep posting on your blog and update them in your page. Remain active. Try to make an interactive page. Facebook gives you enough flexibility to arrange your pages accordingly so use these opportunities.


Just creating a Fan page doesn’t ensure that you will be able to drive traffic from Fan pages. You need to keep all Social media Etiquettes and need to work on Engagement on your fan page. Facebook is a Social site and you need to keep that in your mind to go Viral. There are apps like RSS Graffiti which will let you auto publish blog post on Facebook, but I recommend you to avoid using such apps and prefer using manual sharing or use engagement apps likeGetpostrocket.
You can also take help of Facebook advertising to get targeted fans or run a contest to grow your fans, once you get targeted followers on Fan page, driving traffic from Facebook page would be easier. I would recommend you to check out ShoutMeLoud Facebook page and see how SML is engaging with users on Facebook. Hope you will be benefited from the article and earn a lot of traffic to your blog through your Facebook page.
This is a guest post by Tanjil from RockmusicBox. If you would like to write for ShoutMeLoud, check our guest posting guidelines.

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