One thing which I would like to suggest about placement of your ads is, make sure you don’t violate Adsense policies by putting ads in such a way, that it will make users to click it or never ask someone to click your own ads. Adsense new interface has some easy to use features, which will surely help you to boost your revenue.
DIY tips to Increase Adsense revenue :
Well it’s a common saying, traffic is directly proportional to money in Blogging, but it’s not really true in term of Adsense advertising. Reason being, there are many factors which affect your Adsense income. This includes, Placement of ads, Ad type, Traffic source, and most important Adsense CPC. If you are doing Keyword research, keep an eye on CPC column. Higher the CPC is, better it is for you as Adsense publisher. You should target high CPC word keyword and clicks on such ads will usually be higher. You can also use tool like SEMRUSH to find profitable keywords.One thing which I don’t like about Adsense is Interest based advertising as this type of ads are performing the least under my Adsense performance channel. Alright, lets move to the point and understand some of the simple and advance ways to increase Google Adsense income.
This is one of the most common factor for getting low and high CTR.
You should try putting Adsense ads around the content and above the
fold. You can blend the ad with your site design and as I said, above
the fold ads perform really great than below the ad fold.One thing, which normally blogger ignore is link based ads. Link ads are different from banner ad and they don’t decrease the CTR of main ads, if optimized properly. I usually prefer to keep it on the header navbar. When you are designing a website for Adsense income, you should keep Adsense heatmap in your mind. This way you can easily create an adsense optimized themes and design for your new site.
Here are some of the Adsense sizes, which work out the most:
- 336 * 280 : Large Rectangle
- 300*250 :
- 728*90
- 160*600
Organic Traffic. /U.S :
Adsense ads perform the best when your traffic source is from search
engine. I also believe, interest based ads might not perform that great
if you are getting direct traffic more. Many people complain about low
CPC and low Adsense income despite of giving millions of
impression/month. This is mostly have to do with CPC and traffic source.
Start targeting traffic from countries like U.S.A, U.K and you will end
up getting high CPC. You can learn about On page SEO optimization techniques, which will help you the most. Also check out:
Adsense for Feeds and Adsense for Search:
Adsense offers many ways to monetize your site and two of them which
bloggers usually ignore is Ads for feeds and Adsense for search. Adsense
for feeds will let you add adsense ads in the feed.
If your circulation of feed is really high, you will end up making good
money from it. I have around 5K subscriber and adsense for feeds
performs acceptable amount.Adsense for search not only help you monetize but also help in user navigation. I have already shared a guide on setting up Adsense for Search.
Adsense section targeting:
Adsense is a contextual ad network and it works based on the content
of your page. Now that includes your header and footer part, and because
of this ads shown along with your article might come out to
be irrelevant. Adsense section targeting is a quick technique to add two
line of code before and after the content and your ad will be targeted
to the content. Here is an official guide to implement Adsense section targeting.Also read: 50 Ways to boost Google Adsense revenue
Image or Text Ads:
This is one of the myth of Adsense, that image ads work more. By
blocking an ad type or ad category, you decrease the competition on your
ad and this also decreases the eCPM of your ads. Prefer to use both the
ad type.
Ads between post:
Though, this may give bad reader experience but if you in big time mood to monetize a dead site more and increase adsense revenue,
this one works great. You can easily configure adsense ads to match
with your page background and color and add 468*60 or text link ads in
between post. You can also add 7-10px padding for not giving worse
reading experience to your readers.
Placement targeting:
Adsense Blacklist URL’s :
Adsense Category blocking :
Adsense for Youtube:
If you are a video publisher or upload videos on Youtube, you can
monetize your copyright video by Youtube publisher program. I have been
using it for long and it perform really good. It depends upon traffic on
your Youtube videos and these days adsense for Youtube is making almost
$40-45/month. Here are some guide to get started with it:
If your only source of income is Google Adsense revenue, then this is
one tip which will give the best result for now. Adsense tips given
above are not all thumb of the rule. They are just generic tips to
maximize income. But it may help or may not help in some cases. For
example, some time placing 3 adsense ads unit on a page decreases the
CTR and eCPM of the page. Though again it depend upon the page design
and ad placement. So, you need to test things out and see what works the
best for you. Play with link colors and see which link color
combination is generating maximum CTR.Do share one tip which work out the most for you and helped you to maximize your Adsense revenue?
In case your Google adsense if not approved you can have a look at my other post on adsense alternative programs.
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