Saturday, 22 December 2012

SEO Techniques All Top Web Sites Should Use : STOP STRUGGLING

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Search Engine Optimization us a very hot issue these days. Owners of the websites always thinks that how they can bring their website on the first page of the Search Engine and their Google page rank can be increased???

Most of the companies spend their days in doing SEO work and most of they spend lots of money in keeping their SEO work updated. But most of the people are not in state of spending money and time. But there are various easy jobs that you can do while building your website and these tasks will surely increase the chance of obtaining the good result. So below I am going to introduce these three simple tasks…
Title Tag
On the top of the website’s source code you will find lots of Meta tags and among them standard ones are Keyword tags, Description tags and Title tags. Technically, Title tag is not a Meta tag but it is associated with them. It plays a major role in indexing your website. So it is having highest priority among three. The title of the page is the initial thing which a search engine looks for and determines that content and quality of the page according to that. Also it is the first attraction of the visitors. So always add two to three keywords in your title tag but never do keyword stuffing because it makes your site looks like spam. Some people also add the name of their company and the page’s title.
Meta Tags
In Search Engine Optimization, there are two primary Meta tags i.e. the description tags and keyword tag. So for the ranking of your website Search Engine uses the description tag. This tag is important because it is programmed in the Search Engine. Because of this tag users decide whether to click on your link or not. Never forget to add few keywords in this tag and new stuff the keywords. Always make sure that your description tag looks like sentence and not a list of keyword. Because of keyword stuffing, lots of search engine disrespect keyword tag so now it is not so important these days but it will not create any issue if you will include them in your source code.
Appropriate use of Heading Tags
It is very much important when you are writing the copy of your website. With the proper use of heading tags, Search Engines can decide about the location of your major key points. The title of your website’s main page must use <h1> tag, this must show that what your site is offering. <h2> tag and <h3> tag are equally important as they dive the copy of your website into several useful parts. Use of different heading tags gives priority to your website’s content and helps in indexing your website.
Alt Attributes on Images
Placing attributes on the pictures of your website fulfills two purposes. According to Search Engine Optimization, adding a brief evocative attribute along with the images gives extra relevant to your source code which the search engine can view when they are indexing your website. More relevant your text more is that chance of getting high search engine ranking. Also if you add alt attribute then it will help in impairing the access of your website with the help of screen reader. Image can’t be viewed but with the help of eloquent alt attribute, they can know what your image is about.
Title attribute on Links
For making your website good, adding title attribute is a very important step. When you hover your mouse over the link then the “title’s tool tip will pops up”. These are very important for image as well as text links. So expressive content must be used for your links. Word “CLICK HERE” never tells a person or a search engine about the link but when you put the title attribute that “CLICK HERE” means “WEB DESIGN PORTFOLIO” then it will surely life to your link.
STOP STRUGGLING, just use the about tasks for making your website on the first page of your Search Engine. These are not tough jobs, they are simple to perform and you have to spend only few hours in doing so…
This post is written by Jaykrishna Yadav . He is a contributor and loves to visit and use  spotify premium code .  . He has his link building and guest posting services you can contact him through skype as  jaykrishna.yadav.


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